Public Individual Page

Eryn Freeman
- - Joined January 18, 2023
Field or Clinic
Biographical Info
I'm a certified Athletic Therapist and Exercise Physiologist and I run the Movement Space in Comox BC. I have an Athletic Therapist and a Kinesiologist working for me and we work mostly out of the clinic. I have been in practice for 10 yrs now, and love treating all ages abilities and injuries. I have a special passion for helping female athletes take better care of themselves and stared empowHER Athlete Development to accomplish this.
Field Phone Number
Field Email
Field Website
Clinic Name
The Movement Space
Clinic Address
1261 Noel Ave
Clinic City
Clinic Postal Code
V9M 4A3
Clinic Specialties
Elder care, Sports injuries, Female Athletes, Chronic Disease/Injury Management
What type of events have you worked?
Surf Canada, Trail Runs, MTB races.
What sports do you specialize in?
Trail running, Mountain Biking, Gymnastics, Soccer, Rugby
Level of Athletes you work with?
Amateur, Professional, Any Level